
Tag: kevin

L.I.M.E. Meets Discipline Theory

L.I.M.E. (Long Island Music & Entertainment) caught up with us at our Village Pub show in Lindenhurst, NY for a quick interview. We discuss influences, music style, social media & more. And something extra after the interview too.


An update as to what the band has been up to. We have spent the last few months writing new music and also taken this time to rewrite some of our old tunes too, to fit our evolving sound. We’ve also hit the studio and been recording. Those of you who have caught us live in the few live shows we have done this year might have heard one of the new songs called “Scream 4 Me.”

We’ve got plans in motion do to some cool events this October, which we’ll announce once they are solidified.

As we continue writing and recording we’d like to hear from you. Feel free to LIKE, FOLLOW, SHARE or COMMENT on any of our social media.